Preaching Engagement, Practicing Intimidation
GreenSquareAccord and the NHF - Another Cost to Residents
Housing Ombudsman Podcast investigation findings into GSA!
House of Commons Debate - SLAPPs
(Un)affordable housing
Beyond Repair?
Imprisoning the Voice of the Customer?
Special Investigation
Housing Ombudsman's Investigation
The Steve Hayes Situation
The GSA Way isn't working
Safe, Warm, Dry? Not on Ruth Cooke’s Watch!
Sewage and Silence
Ruth Cooke, Crook?
Just How Broke?
The Latest Governance Failure
When the Rain Comes
GreenSquareAccord and their Misuse of Power
Minor Faults that Expose the Larger Issues
The Journey
How was your Christmas?
Gove Vs Cooke II
2021 - 2023
Gove Vs. Cooke
We call this the Barbra Streisand Effect!
GreenSquareAccord Unveiled
Court Case 9th November 2023!
This is the GSA Way!
A Case of Neglect, Mismanagement, or a Sign of Things to Come?
In response to the article posted on the National Housing Federation website.
Have Blocked Drains and Blocked Communications Blocked the GSA Way?
Blocked Gutters, Broken Promises, Flooded Flats
Faulty Smoke Alarms - More Than Frustrating
How Not to Respond
Perhaps the problem lies in the middle(management)
Administrative Oversight!
GreenSquareAccord's Masterclass in Incompetence: The Intercom Saga
Overview of the month thus far!
The latest corporate strategy...
The very real risk
The trouble with transparency
An end to the toxic culture?
Communication Ban Continues
Failure to inform of Increase
Your Issues and Concerns
For those of you who didn’t hear, I’ll say it again.
Ongoing Communication Ban
Customer Journey
Data Failure - Unable or Unlawful?
Credit when it's due!
They Call Me Mr J
GreenSquareAccord's Guide to Getting it Right!
Jumping Through Hoops!
Curse of the missing data!
Connecting The Dots...
The Death of 'Simply Brilliant' - Lack of Integrity
GreenSquareAccord continue to fail the most vulnerable
Communication Ban
Window and Patio Doors Debacle
The Death of 'Simply Brilliant' - The Right Tools
"You must be new here"
Utter Contempt for Everyone!
Going Down
Failure to communicate - an update
Bin Store Debacle
Data Breach Update - ICO respond
GreenSquareAccord Mass Recruitment Drive
GreenSquareAccord failure to communicate
GreenSquareAccord New Year Resolutions
Hashtag #GreenSquareAccord and #RuthCooke too
Forty-one open jobs at Oxford GreenSquareAccord property
Circa 2021 - ‘22
GreenSquareAccord Complaint Process
GreenSquareAccord leave diesel generator
The GreenSquareAccord PR Machine
10,000 GreenSquareAccord homes at risk
Ignoring residents
GSA & Their Surveys
Customer journey via email
GSA Monthly Newsletter
GreenSquareAccord Breach Data Protection
GreenSquareAccord lack of adequate bin stores
Inadequate Doors & Security concerns
GreenSquareAccord happy to let it rain on the landings
GreenSquareAccord inability to manage CCTV
Oxford do-gooder stands up to GreenSquareAccord
GreenSquareAccord find block of flats lost to overgrowth!