How Was Your Christmas?

The festive season is traditionally a time of warmth and joy, yet for some families in our community, it unraveled into a period of ongoing challenges, exposing the systemic shortcomings of GreenSquareAccord in providing secure and comfortable homes.  Homes that meet the criteria of being safe, warm and dry.

As I address the backlog of complaints received from residents of GreenSquareAccord during the Christmas break, spare a thought for two families left tormented, stressed, in cold, damp, and rat-infested homes due to GreenSquareAccord's inability to meet their core service level agreements. These accounts don't unfold in a distant land but right here in our communities, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Twas the Night Before Christmas…

One family faced a horrifying rat infestation that cast a shadow over their Christmas celebrations. Despite this being a known issue persisting for over eight years, GreenSquareAccord's response fell short, leaving the family emotionally drained during what should have been a festive time.

With young children at home, the festive sounds of reindeer hoofs, sleigh bells, and Santa's laughter were drowned out by the incessant scratching of rats behind the walls and ceiling. While many enjoyed the fragrant scents of Christmas trees, mince pies, and roast turkey, this family was tormented by the unmistakable odour of a deceased rat.

With Frost on the Windows, Walls, and Floor...

In another incident, a resident grappled with a lack of heating and hot water, coupled with ongoing damp and mold issues that persisted throughout the holiday season. Reports made in November remained unaddressed until January 2024, causing not only physical discomfort but also emotional distress during a season meant for joy. The compensation offered by GreenSquareAccord barely covered the cost of electric heaters, proving vastly insufficient and raising concerns about their commitment to resident well-being.

With no heating or hot water, this resident was unable to relax and entertain family members at home, confined to one room with an electric heater as her only defence against the cold and damp.

Additionally, the delay in essential maintenance, particularly external repairs identified by a surveyor in 2021, and ongoing neighbour issues only added to the challenges faced by this family.

Bah, humbug indeed…

These stories go beyond isolated incidents, highlighting a systemic failure in GreenSquareAccord's commitment to providing safe, warm, and dry homes for their residents. The emotional and mental toll on families during the festive season is unacceptable.

As a community, let's demand accountability and improvement from GreenSquareAccord. These incidents are not isolated but indicative of broader issues that urgently need attention. Together, lets ensure every resident has a home that is at least safe, warm, and dry.