Going Down

Here we go again with yet another ongoing issue dating back to April 2019 and still an issue to this day.

GreenSquareAccord Lift Failure

The history

Like so many of the issues that torment the many GreenSquareAccord residents this too is an ongoing one. Earliest known email that i can find on file (however it was already ongoing by the time this email was written) dates back to April 2019 and can be read here.

It was also part of upheld as part of a complaint September 2020.

GreenSquareAccord faulty lift complaint

Just so we can all be sure how confused GreenSquareAccord can be lets break this response down.

  • Complaint raised about ongoing lift issues

  • Sandra Clark who has since left GreenSquareAccord to share her underwhelming abilities with Southern Housing Group (and has not one but two LinkedIn accounts 1 + 2) confirmed that there had been numerous issues with lift - how astute of Sandra

  • After said lift had a major upgrade it needed fixing a further five times

  • Sandra then advised the team at GreenSquareAccord that she didn’t think this reoccurring fault was a reoccurring fault in spite of all the overwhelming evidence

  • Good luck to Sandra and the residents of the Southern Housing Group

Sandra dazzles some more

In October 2020 Sandra tested the lift herself. This was fed back to me in a follow up to my first complaint response that had left me feeling that perhaps Sandra wasn’t quite up to the task.

On each occasion the issue with the lift has been different confirming there is not a recurring problem. As with any product the more something is used, the more wear and tear there will be. Our records show we have repaired the lift when issues have been reported and carried out the necessary compliance maintenance. 

Not a recurring problem other than the now undisputed fact that we have a faulty lift. It’s also noteworthy to add that this building has two lifts and we have no issues with lift two.

 Sandra Clark met with our independent lift consultant as well as our lift contractor on 7 October 2020 at Maureen Christian House. Rigorous testing of the lifts was carried out to ensure they are being correctly maintained. No concerns were found during this visit and the lift is working as expected with the volume of traffic it experiences. 

Rigorous testing they said. We can all only but imagine.

The complaint concluded that their usually spotless record keeping process had failed this time (Doh) and as such they were sorry they couldn’t be sure how many times our lift had actually failed.

Lift continues to breakdown to this day (Feb 2022!)

Sandra has left (I’m going to miss her input) and of course the lift still fails, on average once every six weeks but you’d need to check that with GreenSquareAccord (assuming their record keeping hasn’t let us all down).

-----Original Message-----
From: ********gmail.com
Sent: 19 February 2022 09:48:32
To: info@greensquaregroup.com
Subject: Lift broken (again) Maureen Chriatian House
The list [sic] has broken again at Maureen Christian House (OX44GW) can you please send some one to fix, could you also make me aware of how many times in the last 18 months you have sent an engineer out to fix this ongoing fault (I have the number of calls out made pre-lockdown), could you also explain why GreenSquareAccord haven’t fixed the issue, it can not be cost effective to keep sending engineers?


Ben ******

On 22 Feb 2022, at 18:57

Good Afternoon,

Thank you for your email.

I have now raised a new job for someone to attend to this.


Kind Regards

Lottie *****

Customer Service Officer

 0300 111 7000

W greensquareaccord.co.uk

It’s not Lottie’s fault, I doubt she has the inclination, tools, or training to see just how long this fault has been ongoing; as such she wasn’t able to tell me how many times this lift had failed.

On 22 Feb 2022, at 19:00

Good evening,
Thank you. What [sic] can I expect a respond to the rest of the email?

Thank you
Ben *****
Sent from my iPhone

So we wait for an update.

  • Are GreenSquareAccord able to fix this lift once and for all?

  • Can their records tell us how many times this lift has failed?

  • What will happen now Sandra has left and there is nobody around to conduct rigorous testing?

From GreenSquareAccord’s own website on their culture.