Who shouts louder, the voice of the customer or the #GreenSquareAccord PR machine?
What is more important to #GreenSquareAccord, the voice of the customer (which is often ignored, deleted or removed) or their own reputation?
#GreenSquareAccord use all the right words and employ a firm of lawyers (Bevan Brittan LLP) who claim to “specialise in reputation management” so it seems clear the voice of the customer comes second to their own reputation management.
The background
Please have a read of the recent story that highlights some of the issues for many of #GreenSquareAccord residents. This story was widely published.
Mirror ITV ToysMatrix Marseille News
"Firstly, it is important to say that we have the highest regard for the service offered and the sacrifices made by Mr. Amer Mohammad Akhtar, and his family, in their support for British troops on operation in Helmand, Afghanistan.”
Rachel Crownshaw, Executive Director of Operations at GreenSquareAccord
Your first comment should have been to apologies and accept responsibility for the appalling mismanagement of a war heroes housing situation, and the disappear you are causing him and his family.
Instead you opted to protect the #GreenSquareAccord brand by pointing out that you have the highest regard for his service. If this was true then why did you house him in such appalling conditions?
The Next question
Why would you think it was fair to house anyone in such conditions and why have you let your stock fall into such disrepair?
The difference between words and actions
Our new Voice of the Customer programme is shaped, in part, by our experiences and their experiences of the pandemic. We are taking this opportunity to place our customers and their needs at the heart of everything we do in a way which is not only innovative but which is also reflective of the challenging times in which we live.
Ruth Cooke Chief Executive of GreenSquareAccord
3rd November - National Housing Federation article
Is it really innovative to put the customer and their needs at the heat of everything you do? All successful customer driven business will put their customers at the heart of their business. It’s certainly been best practice since I started working in the early 1990s Again, they’re just words.
Are #GreenSquareAccord more focused upon their public and professional perception or their customers? You decide…