Have Blocked Drains and Blocked Communications Blocked the GSA Way?

The challenges persist, while the response and behaviours remain unchanged. This is regrettable because as a resident (although GreenSquareAccord continues to deny it), I am eager to witness positive changes in the attitudes and behaviours of GreenSquareAccord.

To be fair, there have been some improvements in the past few months. Here in Oxford, we have seen some action taken to address ongoing issues. However, we have also observed the continued use of old tactics which overshadow the progress made and undermine the newly promised aspirations. Consequently, the GSA Way has stalled, leaving us residents underwhelmed, unconvinced, and deeply concerned.

When reviewing how an organisation handles minor problems, one can often gain insight into how they will handle major issues. By observing how GreenSquareAccord continues to handle these ongoing concerns, we can gain a clear understanding of their true culture, capabilities, and limitations. It also allows us to form expectations for the next five years as GreenSquareAccord strives to implement their latest corporate strategy.

What ongoing concerns have emerged from these persistent issues?

Let's begin with the email I sent last week to provide some context:

Subject: Raw Sewage, Wasps Nest, Grounds, and Lack of Customer Communications

Date: July 12, 2023, at 08:45:21 BST

To: David ********

Dear David (and others),

I hope this email finds you well.

I want to remind you about the ongoing issues related to blocked sewage pipes and the presence of wasps nests on the premises. Unfortunately, I have not received any updates or communications regarding the resolution of these problems. Additionally, the maintenance of the grounds, as outlined in our contractual agreement, has not been carried out to the expected standard.

I must express my concern about the potential health and safety risks arising from these unresolved issues. Blocked sewage pipes can lead to unpleasant odors and possible contamination. We have already witnessed sewage flooding one flat here at Maureen Christian House. Similarly, the presence of wasps nests poses a threat to the well-being of residents. These matters require urgent attention and resolution.

Furthermore, I am disappointed with GreenSquareAccord's continued lack of responsiveness and customer service in addressing these concerns. Prompt acknowledgement and resolution of issues are essential for the well-being and satisfaction of residents. Effective communication and a customer-centric approach are vital in maintaining a positive relationship with your residents. I believe this message and intention were also emphasized at the recent GSA event.

If I do not receive a comprehensive update on these matters by the close of business on Friday, I will have no choice but to document the issues with photographs and share them on social media. While I hope it does not come to this, I believe it is necessary to highlight the lack of attention and care given to these health and safety risks.

I kindly request your prompt action and communication regarding the resolution of these issues.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Kind Regards,

Ben Jenkins

This email serves as a follow-up to the previous email, which was ignored:

Subject: Updates & Thanks

Date: July 7, 2023, at 15:01:45 BST

To: David ********

Hello David,

I hope this email finds you well.

Firstly, I want to express my sincere appreciation for your recent efforts in ensuring the proper functioning of our building. Thank you for arranging the gutter cleaning, securing the door handles, and fixing the light sensor (assuming this has been fixed). These improvements have had a noticeable positive impact.

Now, let's address the ongoing issues that require attention. Firstly, I would like to request an update on the blocked sewage pipes. Although a visit was scheduled for July 5th, we have yet to receive any information regarding the progress or resolution of this matter. It is crucial that all residents are informed about the status of the issue. Therefore, I kindly ask you to provide an update to everyone in Maureen Christian House as soon as possible.

On a related note, there seems to be growing concern and misinformation circulating about a wasps nest. Many residents are worried, and it would be helpful if you could address this matter by sending an email to all the residents. Clearing up any misconceptions and providing guidance on how GreenSquareAccord plans to handle the situation would greatly alleviate concerns. As always, a timeframe would be appreciated.

In addition to the matters mentioned above, I want to emphasize the importance of collaboration within our community. The recent improvements in Maureen Christian House, including gutter clearing, door handle security, and light sensor fixing, demonstrate the positive outcomes we can achieve when we work together. By promptly addressing issues and communicating effectively, we can create a safer and more comfortable living environment for all residents.

Lastly, I hope you had a fantastic day at Cheltenham on Wednesday and that you're looking forward to a great weekend ahead. To ensure transparency and keep all relevant parties informed, I will send a copy of this email to Julianne Britton and Ruth via external channels. After all, it is crucial that she is kept in the loop regarding the progress and improvements made within Maureen Christian House.

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to maintaining our building. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. If there is anything I can do to assist or if you require further collaboration, please do not hesitate to reach out.



This email was a follow-up to the email sent to Ruth Cooke and shared openly online:

Subject: 2nd Open Letter

Date: June 8, 2023, at 14:57:01 BST

To: Ruth Cooke

Cc: Anneliese Dodds MP

Dear Ruth Cooke,

I am writing to you regarding the ongoing issues that I have been reporting to GreenSquareAccord. Despite my efforts to address these concerns with our Customer Service Team, they continue to be ignored, as advised by your Customer Service Director.

To ensure that this message reaches you, I have decided to reach out again via this open letter. I will also send a copy via email, although it seems that emails to the GreenSquareAccord senior leadership team are being filtered and prevented from reaching the intended recipients.

I kindly request an update on the following matters, which require immediate attention:

Light sensor: I have attached today's video, which follows up on the previous videos I have shared. It is crucial that we receive an update on the status of this issue.

Blocked sewage pipes: There are currently 43 concerned tenants anxiously awaiting information about when and where the next raw sewage incident will occur.

While the Home Ownership team has acknowledged the problem, they have failed to provide any timeframes. I urge you to prioritise this issue. Additionally, I recommend reading next week's The Housing Sector blog, which will discuss the significance of establishing clear timeframes.

Lift issues: I initially reported this problem in 2016, and it was escalated to the Housing Ombudsman, who mandated that you conduct a report, which you did. The report confirmed the issues, as well as the presence of asbestos. Despite multiple requests, there has been no update or timeframe provided. It is crucial that we address this matter promptly.

Meeting request: As advised by the Housing Ombudsman, it is essential for me to meet with a senior member of your team. However, I have not received an invitation for such a meeting thus far.

After two years of having my requests ignored, it must be evident to you that ignoring these issues will not make them (or indeed me) disappear.

It is time for us to work together, resolve these problems, and end the need to keep them in the public domain. Let us collaborate and strive to make GreenSquareAccord an exceptional landlord. Perhaps the reason we have not achieved this thus far is due to the disregard shown to many of your residents and their issues.

I hope you will consider these points carefully.

Yours sincerely,

Ben Jenkins

And this email was a follow-up to the one sent previously:

Subject: Update on pipework - Action/Response Required

Date: May 11, 2023, at 09:54:03 BST

To: David ****** HomeOwnership Team

Cc: Julianne Britton, Ruth Cooke

Dear David,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern about the ongoing issue of blocked pipes in our building. While I am glad that the inspection by DrainWizzards was finally arranged, I am disappointed that GreenSquareAccord has not yet provided a timeframe for resolving the issue.

I also want to express my frustration with the lack of communication regarding this matter. It is disheartening to see that some residents have been updated while others have not. As a resident, I feel that this is causing unnecessary stress and concern.

I understand that you may be busy, but I kindly request that you keep me and my wife (as well as all residents of Maureen Christian House) informed about any updates on this matter. As residents, we deserve to be informed and kept up to date.

In addition, I would like to remind you that responding to all communications raised through the correct channels is fundamental to building strong relationships with customers and communities, as Ruth Cooke has previously stated.

I respectfully ask that you provide a timeframe for resolving the issue and apologize to all residents who have raised this concern for over a year. Please let me know if you need copies of any previous emails or if there is anything else I can do to assist in resolving this matter.

Julianne, I wanted to follow up on the email I sent to the customer service team yesterday regarding the ineffective communication plan. In the email, I requested that the plan be removed or that the issue be raised as a complaint so we can seek external support and mediation. If you haven't received the email, please let me know, and I can resend it to you directly.

Thank you for your attention to this issue.

Kind regards,

Ben Jenkins

This email was in response to the following message from GreenSquareAccord (although not sent to me which is very strange behaviour for a company that has claimed to be customer-centric):

From: David *********

Date: May 10, 2023, at 14:52:51 BST

Subject: Update on pipework

Good afternoon,

As you are aware, I arranged for our contractor, DrainWizards, to carry out a CCTV survey of all the pipes to identify any problems or leaks. I have now received their report, and the survey identified several sections of the pipes that are encrusted with a build-up of scale and grease, which would have accumulated over a number of years. They also found that one of the drain runs had a displaced joint.

I have raised a job with DrainWizards this morning, asking them to carry out the proposed works. These works involve chain flailing the affected sections to remove the encrustation, followed by high-pressure water jetting. They will then conduct another CCTV survey to ensure the effectiveness of the work carried out. Additionally, DrainWizards will install a patch liner on the section with the displaced joint to seal the pipe.

I hope this clarifies what will happen going forward, but if you have any questions, please let me know.

Kind regards,


This response came after a group email was sent by myself and signed by over 50% of the affected residents:

From: Ben Jenkins

Sent: March 30, 2023, 13:11

To: Customer Care

Cc: [List of residents and relevant individuals]

Subject: Blocked communal pipes at Maureen Christian….

Dear GreenSquareAccord,

Reference: Blocked communal pipes at Maureen Christian House, Oxford OX4 4GW

I am writing to bring your attention to a serious problem that has been affecting many residents in our block for the past couple of years. The communal waste pipes in our building have been blocked for some time now, causing inconvenience and distress to all residents. Unfortunately, despite many reports about this issue, it has been ignored and left unresolved.

Recently, one of the flats in our block experienced a terrible incident where raw sewage was forced into their bathroom due to this fault. This is an extremely concerning and hazardous situation, and we cannot allow it to happen again. We urge you to take immediate action to inspect and unblock all communal waste pipes as a matter of urgency.

We understand that there might be a backlog of repair requests, but we cannot stress enough the severity of this issue. We implore you to prioritize this matter and take swift action to rectify the situation. We believe that this issue requires the attention of a professional and experienced plumber to ensure that the problem is resolved and does not reoccur.

We kindly request that you update us on the progress of this issue and the steps that have been taken to resolve it. We also ask that you notify all residents of the building regarding the progress and timeline for resolving this issue.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Ben Jenkins

And this email was in response to an incident involving one of my neighbours, who was told by GreenSquareAccord that her blocked toilet and subsequent raw sewage flooding her ground floor flat were her responsibility and that she would have to arrange and pay for the repairs:

From: Support Team support@housingsector.co.uk

Subject: Health & Safety Issue - Water Leak (Raw Sewage) Maureen Christian House OX44GW

Date: January 23, 2023, at 17:06:42 GMT

To: info@greensquareaccord.co.uk

Cc: [List of relevant individuals]


As you are aware, there is a major health and safety concern regarding Flat ** at Maureen Christian House. This issue not only affects ******* ***** but also her neighbours, who are afraid to flush their toilets or use their sinks.

When **. ******* initially reported this issue to GreenSquareAccord on January 21st, she was incorrectly informed that the fault was within her flat and therefore her responsibility.

Consequently, she awaited a visit from Dyno-Rod, who informed her that the overflow was coming from other flats. Fortunately, they did not charge ** ******* for the visit, as they could see her toilet filling up without her flushing or using her sinks.

** ****** then called GreenSquareAccord, where she was again wrongly advised to contact Thames Water. I would like to remind you that ** ****** is a single ****** with an *****-year-old child.

Over the past 24 months, numerous reports have been made by residents complaining about smells from sinks, blockages, and drainage issues. Unfortunately, all these reports have gone unanswered and unaddressed by GreenSquareAccord. Furthermore, there is currently raw sewage leaking from a downpipe in the basement car park.

This issue has been ignored for far too long and is now impacting 43 or more residents. Can you please provide a timeframe for fully investigating this issue and assure your residents that you are now taking it seriously?

And for those unfamiliar with the unpleasantness of raw sewage, I have attached some photos.


Ben Jenkins

And this brings us to the latest response from GreenSquareAccord:

From: David ******

Sent: July 14, 2023, 3:30:40 PM

Subject: Update on repairs

Good afternoon,

Following my email on June 27, 2023, I wanted to provide you with an update on the works to the sewage pipes. When DrainWizards last attended, they cleared some of the debris that had built up in the pipes, resolving the issues with backing up. Subsequently, they carried out another CCTV survey and recommended flailing and jet washing the pipes as a preventative measure.

This process will remove any deposits that have accumulated over time and ensure the efficient flow of waste for several years. Although they were originally scheduled to attend on July 5, 2023, they were unable to do so and have now rescheduled for July 28, 2023. It is important to note that the pipework has been cleared, and there is currently no known risk of it backing up again.

Regarding the wasp nest that recently appeared outside Maureen Christian House, I can confirm that Total Pest Control attended today and have treated the nest. The wasp activity will cease over the next 24-48 hours. Unfortunately, the nest could not be moved, as it is illegal to do so.

I hope this clarifies the current status of these repairs. If you have any questions, please let me  know.

Kind regards,

David *********

Home Ownership Officer

Now that you have the background information, it is evident why these issues should concern us all. It raises questions about why it has taken over seven months to reach this point, why GreenSquareAccord thinks it is acceptable to lie to customers, and why repairs have been delayed.

This blog examines the implications of these issues, the delays in addressing them, the lack of effective communication, missed appointments, and the treatment of residents by GreenSquareAccord. It also highlights the need for transparency, prompt resolutions, and improved customer service training.

And here is the issue as reported to GreenSquareAccord and left to fester for two days:

Health and Safety Concerns Should Be a Pressing Issue

One of the most alarming aspects of the ongoing issues at GreenSquareAccord is the impact on health and safety. Blocked sewage pipes have caused unpleasant odors and contamination, with sewage flooding even occurring in one of the flats. Residents' well-being is compromised, necessitating urgent attention and resolution. The presence of wasps nests also poses threats to safety, underscoring the need for immediate action.

Something else that needs to be addressed is the numerous times GreenSquareAccord ignored calls from several residents prior to the eventual blockage.

Limited Knowledge Vs. Restricted Knowledge

This is a subject I'll revisit in full in an upcoming post as it affects many of us and is used with worryingly high frequency. As this is such a fine example, I'll explain what I mean.

Numerous calls have been made to the customer service team reporting these blocked pipes for many years. This is an issue that has slowly gotten worse over time, as one would expect from a natural buildup of grease, fat, cooking oils, etc.

For a single dwelling, it might be up to the resident to unblock their drains, and this is understandable, as basic upkeep by the resident could have prevented the blockage. So, the Pavlovian response from the customer service agent, "this is for you to fix," could be understandable, and the suggestion that the resident seeks a suitable provider to unblock the drains at their cost is acceptable.

The customer service advisor has taken the limited knowledge they have been provided with and drawn a conclusion based on their training and understanding of blocked drains.

However, when we consider that this is a multiple-dwelling building with some forty-three flats, there needs to be an adjustment made to the thought process. If multiple occupants are reporting blocked drainage, then the likelihood is that the blockage is happening within the communal pipes, making it the responsibility of the housing provider. And this was the case with this incident.

The limited knowledge of the customer service team (and later the Homeownership team) hinders the ability of GreenSquareAccord to respond correctly and support their residents. This limited knowledge led to a resident with a child having raw sewage flood their flat for over two days. They was told to resolve the issue themselves, only receiving proper support from GreenSquareAccord after experts from DinoRod informed them that the problem was caused by communal pipes.

Limited knowledge is caused by a lack of training, something that can easily be overcome, thereby improving the service provided to the residents. However, with restricted knowledge, it becomes even more unsettling.

Restricted knowledge is when the powers that be limit the information provided to frontline customer service agents. By doing this, they can reduce their callouts, as many residents simply believe what they are told by the customer service agent. This then helps mid-management maintain the KPI targets. It enables senior management to present figures that can be considered accurate. It also helps reduce costs, as many of these residents would've fixed their blocked drains themselves by paying a third-party contractor to flush the pipes.

By restricting knowledge, middle management achieves their KPI targets, senior managers maintain their revenue and cost objectives, housing providers can boast online about their reduced callouts, and how issues are "fixed within one response.”

While limited knowledge can be overcome, restricted knowledge is embedded within the culture of the housing provider, in this case, GreenSquareAccord.

Where is the Empathy, Communication, Timeframes and How much Attention is Required?

The lack of timely updates and a clear timeframe for addressing the issue has led to mounting frustration. A scheduled visit on July 5th was missed without any notification or apology.

Effective communication is crucial in maintaining a positive relationship between housing providers and residents, yet again lacking in this example. GreenSquareAccord consistently lacks responsiveness and customer service when addressing concerns. Residents are left in the dark, uncertain about the progress or steps being taken to resolve the issues. This breakdown in communication intensifies dissatisfaction and heightens anxieties.

Residents have been waiting for an extended period to see their problems resolved. There has been a significant delay of over seven months in addressing blocked pipes, and this issue has persisted for years, considering the history of calls made to GreenSquareAccord about slow drainage and smells.

Residents have resorted to sharing their issues online, including open letters to GreenSquareAccord and involving our local MP. This public exposure reflects the level of dissatisfaction and frustration residents feel due to the lack of adequate responses. They seek to raise awareness and hold GreenSquareAccord accountable for the unresolved problems they face.

The GSA Way Still Fails to Provide:

  • Open and transparent communication channels

  • Timely resolutions

  • Improved customer service training

Putting residents first can restore confidence and foster a healthier living environment for all. But can GreenSquareAccord truly prioritise customers, or does it come down to a lack of funding?

The provider, who not so long ago proudly announced they had secured necessary funding for home maintenance, now seems to be pleading poverty.

Coming Soon - Ruth Cooke Hints at Dark Days Ahead

The celebrated and awarded funding package may have come too late, and this raises questions about the future of GreenSquareAccord and the homes of the 52,000 residents. Could another manager be on the horizon?