The Mass Recruitment Drive
GreenSquareAccord have been on a massive recruitment drive since GreenSquare merged with Accord. There are unconfirmed rumours that many of the Accord team were offered the chance to relocate or take redundancy. This may be one reason.
Perhaps in order for Ruth Cooke to achieve her goal of becoming a ‘simply brilliant landlord’ she needs a whole new team, perhaps there was too much deadwood and fresh capable talent was and is needed. This too may be a very valid reason.
Or dare one suggest there is an issue with maintaining staff - either way let’s look at just some of the new opportunities that have been posted on LinkedIn over the last couple of months.

As you can see most areas of the business that are currently underperforming are in need of new talent. And this is welcomed by myself, a long suffering resident of GreenSquareAccord.
If this drive isn’t being driven by mass redundancy than perhaps there is an issue with keeping staff, for this I can only speculate (having never worked within the bowels of the GreenSquareAccord offices).
We can garner a glimpse of what it might be like to work for GreenSquareAccord and how soon into the role the new candidate may realise they’ve been brought in under false pretences.
Let’s look at the benefits of working for GreenSquareAccord as published by GreenSquareAccord. If you want to read the ‘GreenSquareAccord - a great place to work’ document for yourself it can be found here.
Here are some of the highlights from just the first three pages with personal commentary.
As you can see from three pages there are already some major contradictions from how GreenSquareAccord actually perform and their published material.
I don’t wish to pick holes in the entire document, I don’t see it bringing any further value to this point, however it continues in a similar vein with a highlight being the perk of being allowed to check your own emails and social media sites when not working, and the gift of on onsite parking.
To any member of the GreenSquareAccord team currently not working and reading this over your bosses wifi - Hi! x
What is it like to work for GreenSquareAccord?
Here are a selection of online reviews. A mixed bag but it certainly looks like there is some internal reviewing going on, people who left paint a very different picture from those who’ve chosen to stay.

The Hurdle…
…for the recruitment team it is an obvious one; anyone ‘worth their salt’ will thoroughly research a company before applying for a position. Beyond GreenSquareAccord’s website there are more and more examples of GreenSquareAccord failing to providing an acceptable level of service, and in more and more cases - simply ignoring residents.
This is where I know I am part of the problem.
The longer GreenSquareAccord ignore myself and other residents (including my neighbours) the more issues we post online (here, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter) and the harder it becomes for GreenSquareAccord to build a team with the calibre of people needed to achieve Ruth Cooke’s goal of becoming a ‘simply brilliant landlord’.
So in seeking support and out of frustration with GreenSquareAccord I (and others) have now become a ‘hurdle’ hindering GreenSquareAccord from being able to provide an adequate level of service (I still believe ‘simply brilliant’ is unachievable - hope to be proven wrong).
What is the first step towards a solution?
Like most first steps it’s a simple one.
Engage with your customers.
Put actions behind your publications - This means really listening to the voice of the customers, Rachel Crownshaw and Ruth Cooke.
We can forgive you when you make mistakes, we can put up with delays, we don’t expect you to ‘get it right first time every time’.
The insight you need to grasp Suse Weeks and Julianne Britton is the one we already discussed - before the fact it’s a reason, after the fact it’s an excuse. Keeping your customers ‘in the loop’ will enable us to all work together.
I can’t walk away from this as I own a property with you, and like all toxic relationships the breakdown in communication isn’t helping any of us, it just makes it tougher.