The Communication Ban Continues

In what I suspect will come as little surprise to anyone (especially long term visitors to this site or residents of GreenSquareAccord) their communication ban plan has again been extended. I had to chase to reminded them that the ban plan had expired but once I did, they responded in a mere five working days later, surely a record response time from anyone at GreenSquareAccord. Credit where credit is due.

As usual we can ascertain much from this latest continuation, including just how far removed GreenSquareAccord are from their generic credo. We get a real life example of the GSA Way!

What’s different this time?

If I’m honest not much, although they have wisely decided to remove the more inflammatory lies since the last ban plan. Okey-dokey let’s get started. Here is the letter with my private information removed.

First the good news

Last time, the senior leadership team (far removed from their frontline staff) stated that I had, well, let’s not put words in their mouth.

We have become increasingly concerned by reports from several junior female colleagues who have expressed they feel threatened by your behaviour. We do not tolerate intimidation or harassment of any kind, therefore we respectfully ask that you consider this in all communications, whether direct to GSA or publicly using other channels.

GreenSquareAccord - 21st April 2022 Contact Management Plan

This was clearly untrue and goes against my own principles, and while I admit that tensions can sometimes rise when dealing with the almost countless ongoing issues, it is never the fault of the customer service team.

This torrid example of just how low GreenSquareAccord will go to maintain their own reputation was again used in the next communication ban plan.

As a reminder, your unacceptable behaviour includes directly messaging, contacting, tagging and targeting individual GreenSquareAccord colleagues on their personal social media, including the use of multiple accounts in order to hide your identity. You also continue to use your blog and website to make personal attacks on named members of staff who tend to be junior female colleagues. As previously stated, we do not tolerate intimidation or harassment of any kind, and again respectfully ask that you consider this in all communications, whether direct to GSA or publicly using other channels.

GreenSquareAccord - 5th September 2022 Contact Management Plan

I wasn’t going to let them use this for a second time. Unlike GreenSquareAccord when I say something I do it. You can read an outline of my response here.

Let’s break this down into simple points:

  • The website and blog are still here - you can judge for yourself if I have used my blog or website to bully ‘junior female colleagues’.

  • I used a SAR to request the recordings of the alleged calls and all emails to show alleged examples of where my behaviour has resulted in ‘several junior female colleagues who have expressed they feel threatened by your behaviour.’

If you have looked over this website and blog, did you find anything? Please let me know.

If you found nothing, well you’re not alone as neither could GreenSquareAccord. Using the examples as provided by Devonshires Solicitors, they were able to claim different reasons for why they were unable to provide this data. Most of it stemmed from being unable to manage data due to the merger. This led to them being reported to the ICO. Again.

GSA’s methods showed cowardly and shocking behaviour that held no merit. As you’ll see from their latest letter, they appear to have applied some common sense and these allegations have now been dropped so I shall too.

Let’s cover the rest of the hypocrisy

You must use the same email address offered to every other customer if you need to contact us, which is

Dear other GreenSquareAccord customers. If you want to email another member of the GreenSquareAccord team you have to first break this very cryptic, mind-boggling code. To save you time it is this - first name, full stop, last name So for example if you wanted to email your CEO Ruth Cooke you would use the address You won’t get through to her as she has a team who filter all her emails. More on why Ruth Cooke should read her emails later.

So in theory any resident can contact anyone with GreenSquareAccord. It’s not voodoo or complicated.

This is because regretfully, you have continued to ignore the terms of the contact management plan and demonstrated unacceptable behaviour which is impacting other customers and GSA colleagues.

I’m sure there’ll be an example of how I’m impacting other customers.

Your unacceptable behaviour includes sending emails to individual GreenSquareAccord colleagues and messaging, contacting, tagging and targeting to them on their personal social media using multiple accounts to do so. You also continue to use your blog and website to make personal attacks on members of staff. As previously stated we do not tolerate intimidation or harassment of any kind, and again respectfully ask that you consider this in all communications, whether direct to GSA or publicly using other channels.

Let’s jump to the conclusion as both GreenSquareAccord and I have wasted enough time on this subject.

In conclusion

GreenSquareAccord seem to believe they are in charge of me in some way. This isn’t the case. I pay them, so in theory at least, I’m in charge of them. As such GreenSquareAccord can’t tell me who I can and can’t email. They can’t tell me what I can write about on my own website. If anything I write is untrue, they can take legal action as previously threatened. They haven’t because everything I write is my experience, my opinion and because I haven’t posted anything that isn’t true.

GreenSquareAccord have a right to block all emails and social media accounts, including mine, and there is plenty of evidence to show they make full use of this option. And this is where we uncover a nasty little habit and the true motive behind communication ban plans.

CEO Ruth Cooke blocked me on LinkedIn when I raised the issue of gas safety and concerns raised about the boiler services. This gives her plausible deniability if, God forbid, another disaster should happen. As we know from the recent sacking of a CEO, claiming to not know might not (and should not) keep you in the £275k job.

On my HousingSector website we have uncovered and reported on a major lapse in fire safety in a block of ten flats for vulnerable people, something about which I’m sure Ruth would want to be kept fully informed.

Dear GreenSquareAccord, I’m going to continue sharing valid issues. You can choose to use this as a learning experience to improve the service you are very generously paid to provide, or you can choose to block, ban, ignore and/or discredit me. Which one of these choices aligns more closely with the true GSA Way?