August 2021

Although still not shared by GSA (as of 22nd August 2021) with all residents (either via email or attached to the noticeboard) we do have a copy as provided to one resident by Claire Cook (Leasehold and Service Charge Manager).


At last an apology from GSA, although they shouldn’t blame it all on COVID and lack of materials as there was a considerable hold up their end.  But for the first time, the residents have an apology, a newsletter that manages expectations and provides a timeframe.  Let us hope they keep it.


Yes some of the doors were painted, a job that was started back in late 2019 but never finished.  However GSA didn’t take advantage of having a painter on site to paint all internal doors.  This would have had a double effect.  As well as keeping the entire property looking tidy and well-maintained it would have also required Mitle to remove and then re-secure all the loose door handles throughout the property.  As it is the residents have a building with some doors painted, some not, and many loose handle.


Lets hope the asbestos used isn’t on the governments list of banned building materials:

Uses of asbestos

The properties of asbestos made it an ideal material for use in a number of products, including insulation material for buildings, boilers and pipes; car brakes and floor tiles, insulating board to protect buildings and ships against fire; asbestos cement for roofing sheets and pipes.

Due to the risks to health following inhalation exposure to asbestos the importation of blue and brown asbestos has been banned in the UK since 1985. This ban was extended to include white asbestos in 1999.

Perhaps in an upcoming newsletter GSA will put the minds of all their residents at ease by explaining what type of asbestos they use.

For more information on the ceiling vents please go to:


Still concerned about the anti-social behaviour - good. Still working with BT - frustrating

…working with our IT team now on the remote access. We went back and forth the last couple of weeks on a few questions but it’s now with them. They’re ordering the equipment and everything to get that sorted. Being IT equipment, I can’t see that it would be a long delay…

GSA 17th June 2021

CCTV recording issues to be resolved – target date for resolution Mid-September. 

Ruth Cooke via email 19th August 2020

Let’s hope it won’t be another year before GSA are able to compete this agreed action.
