The Complaint Process
What do GreenSquareAccord really think about people who complain?
Now we’ve read GreenSquareAccord’s published words let’s read their unpublished words…
Back in August of 2019 I started to raise numerous ongoing complaints. It soon became apparent that there was a complete breakdown of communication within GreenSquareAccord (GreenSquare as they were known then). This was established by the amount of blame that would internally be cast by the many departments I spoke or corresponded with. In order to gain a clearer understanding of what or who was causing these hold ups, these barriers to service, and what would ultimately hinder GreenSquareAccord on their journey to becoming ‘Simply Brilliant’ I issued them with a Subject Access Request. This entitled me to see the emails that were relevant to my account and complaints. If you haven’t issued your own Subject Access Request you can find support on how to compile one here.
This would provide many worrying insights
Having submitted multiple emails regarding this ongoing trespassing and breaking-in by local gangs I sent the following email, ensuring that pertinent members of the GreenSquareAccord team were put on copy.
From: Ben ******** <***************>
Subject: Break-In Maureen Christian
Date: 18 August 2020 at 19:58:47 BST
To: Zoe Peckover <>, Claire Cook <>, Emma Stone <>,
Another break-in tonight. Again via the front door where there isn’t CCTV coverage, however they would have been caught on the basement camera. Can you please retrieve this footage and share with the Police? Here is a photo taken by one of the residents:
Pleased make me aware when you have done this.
Ruth, a further example of your residents being put at risk, more than a year since first being reported to GreenSquare. What are your thoughts? Can you also arrange for someone to clean off the graffiti left during last weeks break-in?
Ben ********
Sent from my iPhone
The response.
From: Claire Cook
Sent: 19 August 2020 08:32
To: Ben ******* <**********>; Zoe Peckover <>; Emma Stone <>; Phil Bowley <>
Cc: Ruth Cooke <>; Rachel Crownshaw <>; Councillor Ed Turner **********
Subject: RE: Break-In Maureen Christian
Hi Ben.
How infuriating. Thanks for letting us know. We’ll get straight on it.
Claire Cook | Interim Service charge and Leasehold Manager, GreenSquare Group
tel: 01249 466009, mob: 07773472148 | Methuen Park, Chippenham SN14 0GU |
This is a typical response from GreenSquareAccord and Claire Cook; an insincere acknowledgement of the frustration that has been caused, a vague thank you for making GreenSquareAccord further aware of this issue, and a call to action that we can now firmly agree never happened (as this wouldn’t be resolved for another two years and two months).
It wasn’t only myself and the other residents of Maureen Christian House who felt this email lack both empathy and sincerity.
Am I high maintenance?
Let’s look at it without the hinderance of emotion. I’ve been repeatedly reporting to GreenSquareAccord safeguarding issues, valid complaints, and working with them to resolve many ongoing issues. I have been supporting them on their journey to become a ‘simply brilliant landlord’.
If we look at the original email trail we are able to establish a small list of people who feel it is acceptable to refer to one of their customers in this way. This will also highlight an internal culture in which customers who raise safeguarding issues can acceptably be referred to as ‘rather high maintenance’.
List of contacts on my initial email:
Zoe Peckover - Leasehold Officer
Claire Cook - Interim Service charge and Leasehold Manager
Emma Stone - Head of Neighbourhoods
Phil Bowley - Group Head of Strategic Asset Management
Ruth Cooke - Chief Executive
Rachel Crownshaw - Customer Experience Director
Ed Turner - Labour Councillor
Lets breakdown the reply and see who we can safely rule out.
“Cringed a bit at xxxx’s response” - This rules Claire Cook out.
“I know the guy’s rather high maintenance but a bit of empathy and a couple more sentences to address his concerns might have come across better…” Clearly a request to Claire’s line manger suggesting the need to address a training issue. That rules out Zoe, and makes Emma the recipient of this email and author of this next email (ruling her out):
Having ruled out Claire Cook, Emma Stone (who is more concerned about her colleagues inboxes), Zoe Peckover, and Ed Turner (as this is clearly an internal email) we are left with:
Phil Bowley - Group Head of Strategic Asset Management
Ruth Cooke - Chief Executive
Rachel Crownshaw - Customer Experience Director
In conclusion a member of the senior executive team felt it was acceptable to refer to a concerned resident as ‘rather high maintenance’.
This unfortunate turn of phrase proceeds the defensive ‘come across better’ followed by a concerned emoji. There is no concern offered to the situation of further break-ins and lack of security, this email is only concerned about how GreenSquareAccord will be perceived.
When any senior executive team use such dismissive language it will cause this attitude to permeate throughout the entire business, leaving other (many vulnerable) customers being dismissed in a similar way.
How do we feel about GreenSquareAccord and the first step of their complaint process?
How are they doing on their ‘Together with Tenants’ initiative?