Service Charge - The Breaking Point
Ben Jenkins Ben Jenkins

Service Charge - The Breaking Point

As the new financial year begins, GreenSquareAccord residents are facing yet another round of service charge increases—despite ongoing failures by the housing provider to deliver basic services. At a time when residents are already struggling with the cost-of-living crisis, these hikes feel like an insult, especially when CEO Ruth Cooke has taken a pay increase even with the organisation having  been investigated by the Housing Ombudsman. The growing tension between GreenSquareAccord and its residents is reaching a breaking point, and the company’s dismissive attitude toward accountability is only making matters worse.

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“Let’s just pay the fines, it’s cheaper!”
Ben Jenkins Ben Jenkins

“Let’s just pay the fines, it’s cheaper!”

Despite clear instructions from the Housing Ombudsman's investigation to rectify these issues, the lifts remain faulty, posing a continued risk to the lives of residents and contractors. This not only jeopardises the safety of the community but also adds an extra layer of inconvenience for residents, especially the elderly and vulnerable, who now navigate flights of stairs for routine tasks like bringing in their shopping.

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‘Silencing’ - The Alarming Tactic of GreenSquareAccord
Ben Jenkins Ben Jenkins

‘Silencing’ - The Alarming Tactic of GreenSquareAccord

In our homes, where we seek solace and security, a disquieting trend has emerged: the deliberate silencing of residents by housing providers. GreenSquareAccord, my own housing provider, has been accused of employing various tactics to silence residents, denying them a voice and disregarding their concerns.

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