
The Journey

In the wake of this new year, it's time to pause and reflect on the state of play at GreenSquareAccord.

  • Have the promises of improvement translated into tangible successes?

  • Have the proposed improvements materialised, forming a discernible path toward a better GreenSquareAccord?

  • Can Ruth Cooke lay claim to the realisation of pledges made year after year?

  • Is GreenSquareAccord truly back on the track to providing the quality service promised?

  • Are we, as residents, reaping the benefits of an improved service and finding value for money in our service charges?


Some good news—the grounds of our Oxford block of flats have been treated to a full landscaping!

For years, residents have faithfully contributed to the maintenance service, yet the tangible outcomes had remained elusive. However, the dawn of 2024 has brought forth a refreshing transformation. Hedges, once untamed, now stand neatly trimmed; trees that encroached where they shouldn't have, cut down; and overgrown bushes, now trimmed back. The once-obscured security lights, hidden amidst years of unchecked growth, have emerged into prominence, casting a reassuring glow on the surroundings.

This positive change echoes the promise of a more responsive and responsible approach to the collective welfare of residents.

This noteworthy start to 2024 signals not only a well-maintained physical landscape but also the potential for a revitalised sense of pride and satisfaction among the residents.

Bin Stores

While the recent efforts to trim hedges and maintain bushes have undeniably improved the visual appeal of our surroundings, an old challenge has remerged – a tide of litter and debris accumulated over the past decade.

The persistent issue of a faulty bin store, a longstanding source of frustration, has unfortunately cast a shadow on the positive strides taken. It remains a point of embarrassment for GreenSquareAccord, underscoring the need for a fundamental resolution to this long-standing problem. 

A basic level of service, including the proper functioning of essential facilities like bin stores, is integral to the well-being of residents and the overall reputation of GreenSquareAccord.

The gates, still insecure, act as an open invitation to fly tippers and local neighbours looking for a convenient disposal spot. This not only compromises the security of our premises but also adds to the litter woes that residents now find themselves grappling with. The oversight in addressing this issue during the tree-cutting process highlights the importance of a holistic approach to grounds maintenance – one that considers not only the aesthetic but also the functional aspects of our living spaces.

External Facia and Gutters

The recurrent presence of scaffolding in 2023 had raised hopes for a comprehensive facias maintenance initiative from GreenSquareAccord. However, the disappointment looms large as the discolouration of the facias persists, revealing a missed opportunity to address a fundamental aspect of our building's aesthetic appeal.

The ongoing issues with gutters, despite repeated attempts at fixing, have become a source of concern. The cascading water down the side of the walls and onto balconies not only detracts from the visual harmony of our living spaces but also poses a direct threat to the structural integrity of the building. This unwarranted water intrusion not only makes our building appear uncared for but also initiates a troubling cycle of internal damp problems, impacting the quality of life for residents.

The failure to effectively manage these issues prompts reflection on the commitment of GreenSquareAccord as a landlord. The discoloured facias and persistent gutter problems underscore a potential gap in the ability or willingness to maintain properties within their portfolio. 

The repercussions extend beyond the visual aspect, influencing the perception of our community and, regrettably, paving the way for a decline in overall living conditions.

Stairs and Landings

It's heartening to note another positive development in the replacement of the carpets in the hallways and landings, marking a step towards the restoration of our shared spaces. This necessary undertaking arose from an unfortunate incident involving a third-party contractor, whose actions inadvertently damaged the existing carpet while installing windows.

While the third-party contractor accepted responsibility for the mishap and committed to financing the replacement, the delay in the process meant that residents had to endure an extended period without the anticipated improvements. In attempting to match the carpets, GreenSquareAccord fell short of delivering a comprehensive solution, leaving the stairs adorned with the ageing carpet, now 11 years old, while the hallways underwent a transformation.

The failure to replace all carpets has now left our building with mismatching carpets. Had they replaced the stair carpets, they could have also fixed the broken stairs and made them safe.


The issue of malfunctioning lifts has is a persistent and concerning issue, prompting intervention from the Housing Ombudsman. Despite a ruling in favour of the residents, indicating that the lifts posed a genuine danger, the ongoing challenges persist, leaving residents and contractors vulnerable to potential risks.

Following the Housing Ombudsman's decision, GreenSquareAccord undertook a third-party investigation, which substantiated the claim that the lifts were indeed faulty and posed a threat to both residents and contractors alike. However, the disconcerting reality is that these lifts continue to break down with alarming regularity, with the current instance having endured for over 10 days.

The question that looms large is whether the landlord is merely doing the bare minimum to comply with the Housing Ombudsman's ruling while neglecting the ongoing safety concerns. The prolonged downtime of the lifts not only inconveniences residents but also raises significant safety issues, particularly for elderly individuals who may struggle to navigate stairs, carrying groceries from the basement to the third floor.


The continued concern over security, despite the installation of new doors representing a significant improvement, underscores the challenges faced by our community. The recent incident, where non-residents gained unauthorised access leading to break-ins, highlights the pressing need for a robust response from the GreenSquareAccord in ensuring the safety and well-being of residents.

While it's acknowledged that GreenSquareAccord can't be held entirely responsible for criminal activities within the community, their response becomes crucial in mitigating risks and fostering a sense of security. The recent break-in involving a van and taxi, resulting in a financial loss, raises questions about the effectiveness of the current security measures.

The urgency conveyed in requesting a change to the gate code, especially after an entry fob was stolen, emphasises the need for swift action to address potential vulnerabilities. The promise of an emergency repair on the same day was undoubtedly reassuring, yet the lapse of almost 10 days without resolution leaves residents feeling exposed and at risk.

The impact of such incidents extends beyond mere property damage; it influences the emotional well-being of residents who feel unsafe and threatened within their homes. Trust in the security measures provided by GreenSquareAccord is crucial for fostering a sense of community and well-being.


The advancement in our CCTV system, transitioning to remote access and cloud storage, represents a commendable effort in bolstering the security infrastructure of our community. However, the current absence of a streamlined procedure for police requests for CCTV footage remains a notable gap in the security protocols.

The recent calls from the police, seeking various email addresses and encountering a lack of response from GreenSquareAccord, underscore the need for a more efficient process. Simplifying the procedure for the local police force to access relevant contact information can significantly enhance their ability to leverage CCTV footage in the pursuit of criminal investigations.

In the face of numerous instances reported over the past 11 years, the absence of a standardised and easily accessible protocol is disappointing. Establishing a clear point of contact and a straightforward communication channel for law enforcement demonstrates a commitment to collaboration in maintaining community safety.


The publication spin has not gone unnoticed. A prime example lies in the artful rebranding of a Department of Levelling Up investigation into the more innocuous-sounding "fact-finding mission." Such rhetorical manoeuvres by GreenSquareAccord underscore the importance of critical engagement and a discerning eye.

This website, coupled with our unwavering perseverance, emerges as a vital counterpoint to this spin. In a landscape where information can be shaped to serve various narratives, this platform stands as a beacon of transparency and truth. By providing an alternative perspective and fostering open dialogue, we contribute to a more balanced and informed discussion surrounding the actions and decisions of Greensquare Accord.

It is essential to hold entities accountable and ensuring that the nuances of significant developments are not lost in the haze of carefully crafted messaging.

Ongoing Legal Action

The ongoing legal actions taken by GreenSquareAccord in response to my attempts to disrupt what I perceive as a false narrative raise important questions about the cost, both financial and emotional, borne by the residents. The decision to delegate this responsibility to a new member of their legal team, rather than sending their Sophie Atkinson, adds another layer of doubt to their intentions and belief in this action.

The 22nd February deadline looms, and it's disheartening to witness the continued investment in legal proceedings, especially when GreenSquareAccord's legal representation appears to have expressed reservations about the course of action. This persistence comes at a tangible cost to residents, both in terms of financial resources and the well-being of individuals, including myself, my wife, our neighbours, and the broader community.


The journey through GreenSquareAccord's recent developments paints a complex picture of both progress and persistent challenges. While commendable efforts have been made, such as the positive transformation of grounds, the overarching narrative is marred by recurring issues and unfulfilled promises.

The disjointed approach to maintenance, exemplified by the ongoing facias and gutter problems, and failing lifts raises concerns about the landlord's commitment to ensuring a consistently high standard of living for residents. The inadequacies in addressing fundamental issues like faulty bin stores and mismatched carpets underscore a failure to deliver on the basic expectations of a reliable and well-managed living environment.

Security lapses, as evidenced by break-ins and the delayed response to urgent requests, further contribute to an unsettling atmosphere, impacting the emotional well-being of residents. The absence of a streamlined procedure for police access to CCTV footage adds another layer of concern, highlighting potential gaps in collaboration and responsiveness.

The persistent publication of what appears to be spin and the continuation of legal actions, despite expressed reservations, cast a shadow over the transparency and accountability of GreenSquareAccord. It prompts a critical reflection on whether the interests of the community are truly at the forefront of decision-making.

In short, there is still a long way to go but we might be off to a good start for 2024.  Time will tell, updates to follow.