June 2021

It is hard to establish when these newsletters were actually published.  Although the agreement was for GSA to email these to all residents this doesn't happen.  Instead they randomly appear on the noticeboard.  However this newsletter was published sometime in late June or early July and as it has been six weeks since an update, let’s give GSA the benefit of the doubt and say they were keen to update the many residents of Maureen Christian House. 

Hoorah! After months of negations a contact was singed!

UPDATE: A date was set for the 18th August for the Nationwide to enter the flats and take measurements. Residents arranged to work from home so they could allow entry.

survey dealy.jpg

On the 19th August a survey did take place and some of the windows were measured.  However with a lead time of six to 12 weeks that starts only when all flats have been measured, it was clear that GSA would miss the agreed timeframe of ‘summer’.


Another win!  However after installing the gates it was clear they didn’t fit, can easily be opened, and don’t lock properly.

The residents have been concerned about this, perhaps they will be pleased when this is fully rectified.  It might be better if GSA hold off on the self-praise until the job is completed. 


Missing newsletter! Concerned that the residents of Maureen Christian House hadn’t received all newsletters, a resident reached out to GreenSqaureAccord via email.  They received the following reply:

Dear Mr *****,

Please find attached the copies of the newsletters you requested.  The August newsletter contains the most up to date information we have.      

Wishing you a good weekend. 

Yours sincerely

Claire Cook

Claire Cook

Leasehold and Service Charge Manager

0300 111 7000

M ************


Attached were the three monthly reports as published on this site.  Concerned that a newsletter had been missed they replied to Ms Cook:

Dear Ms Cook,

Thank you for the enclosed copies of the monthly newsletter as published by GSA. There are only three attached and having checked my math I believe there should be five; April, May, June, July and August.

In the email that you kindly sent to me dated 29th July you included a copy of an email from Rachel Crownshaw:

From Friday 16th April, we will provide a monthly update directly to all leaseholders, setting out status and progress of all existing issues we are working on in relation to MCH, namely the items under section 20 consultation and the informal consultation re bin stores. The update will be sent by email, however should any leaseholders wish to receive this in another format we will do our best to accommodate. Please be aware that we continue to communicate directly with leaseholders as we progress the section 20 consultation timeline, so if there is nothing further to include in the monthly update , one will not be issued. Zoe Peckover, as Leasehold Officer for the scheme, will be the person responsible for providing the update and any queries in relation to it will be managed directly by her. This will ensure consistent and up to date information and provide one point of contact in relation to matters at MCH.

When will you be sending me the reming two issues? It might also make sense if these newsletters were titled with the month, don’t you agree?

Kind regards

Mr **********

However a reply was not forthcoming, and wanting to ensure the residents had all of the information they reached out again, wanting to be sure GSA had been afforded every opportunity:

Email sent 16th August 09:16;

Dear Ms Cook.

I trust you had a good weekend.

Will you be able to send other the missing newsletters today?

Kind regards

Mr *********

However yet again a reply was not forthcoming,  Believing it to be important to offer GSA every opportunity The resident emailed  Rachel Crownshaw Executive Director of Operations, alas still no reply.

If there is a missing Newsletter rest assured we will publish this just as soon as GSA provide it.

Email to Ruth Cook 19th August 2020 from a resident of Maureen Christian House:

Having raised the issue of security numerous times, I am (as are other residents and the emergency services) amazed that you have not only failed to act or acknowledge the issue, thereby allowing a building within your portfolio (and its residents) to be left at risk, you have continued to fail to take appropriate action even after an actual assault, numerous thefts, graffiti, drug use in the stairwells and of course the ongoing verbal abuse and intimidation suffered by residents.

As you know gangs are able to walk into our building, they can then engage in deal drugs as well as drug-taking, fully aware that the CCTV footage (when working) will not be passed on to the police. If they need to access other areas of the building they can set off a fire alarm that will then release all security doors. This is now such a regular occurrence that it is not uncommon to see police or the fire brigade in the area, wasting their time and resources. It is beyond my comprehension as to why you would be allowed to continually waste local resources, hence the inclusion of local government on this email. 

And as agreed in the official complaint response dated 28th September 2020

Door security I know there have been issues with non-residents entering the block of flats which has been ongoing for some time without a permanent fix being implemented. I understand this to be due to the magnets on the doors having weakened over time and can now be pushed open if enough force is used. Sharon is currently investigating some different options to overcome this and all residents will be updated about these by Zoe and Sharon the end of September 2020, so we can all agree a way forward. While this is investigated and 

Let us hope that next newsletter has a firm deadline to finally secure the property and ensure the residents are safe.


The results caused by a lack of security and fully integrated CCTV


Officially the second but we will amend if and when GSA share this missing newsletter. It’s good to see GSA being proactive with regards to their surveys as the response to these is extremely lacklustre. Further information on GSA survey results can be found on our Companywide issue page.