Service Charge - The Breaking Point
As the new financial year begins, GreenSquareAccord residents are facing yet another round of service charge increases—despite ongoing failures by the housing provider to deliver basic services. At a time when residents are already struggling with the cost-of-living crisis, these hikes feel like an insult, especially when CEO Ruth Cooke has taken a pay increase even with the organisation having been investigated by the Housing Ombudsman. The growing tension between GreenSquareAccord and its residents is reaching a breaking point, and the company’s dismissive attitude toward accountability is only making matters worse.

Ruth Cooke - Time for change
GreenSquareAccord continues to grapple with significant failings in its ability to provide homes that are warm, safe, dry, and affordable. The root cause of these persistent issues lies at the top. Leadership sets the tone for an organisation’s culture, behaviours, and expertise, cascading these elements through every level of management and, ultimately, impacting those on the ground. When leadership falters, it is the residents who pay the price.

‘Silencing’ - The Alarming Tactic of GreenSquareAccord
In our homes, where we seek solace and security, a disquieting trend has emerged: the deliberate silencing of residents by housing providers. GreenSquareAccord, my own housing provider, has been accused of employing various tactics to silence residents, denying them a voice and disregarding their concerns.

Service charges and further failures to communicate…
GreenSquareAccord don’t want to engage with residents - The new Director of Corporate Affairs and Communications, Steve Hayes has blocked me on Twitter and now LinkedIn (I’ve got a whole article about him that needs to be shared). The reason Steve joins Ruth Cooke and Rachel Crownshaw in blocking me isn’t because what I share is incorrect or untrue (if it were they’d take legal action) it’s because they don’t want to legitimise me (fair enough). They don’t want someone sharing their failures online, and worse still — it’s because they want to be able to claim they didn't know. This is really worrying when you consider that I've raised many issues that will hinder the growth and successful implementation of the GSA Way, and even more worrying when you consider that I raised concerns about their failure to provide proper gas boiler services.
Look out team GreenSquareAccord, the senior leadership team are going to ensure any blame doesn’t stick to them, it won’t affect their careers, it won’t hinder them at all, they can claim they didn't even know about it.

Both sides of the GSA Way…
It’s important to remember that GreenSquareAccord want to ‘pump up the voice’ of the customer. This might not seem obvious to all as they keep pushing their own carefully curated narrative.
With the recent release of a glitzy new video that was funded by the residents of GreenSquareAccord (but without them being permitted to take part) I thought it was time to show both sides.
So here is a more balanced look at the GSA Away.