Attention GreenSquareAccord Residents!
Despite facing frivolous legal action and attempts to shut us down, our platform continues to offer unwavering support to all GreenSquareAccord tenants. Created by residents, for residents, our site provides a vital space for voicing concerns, sharing reviews, and staying informed about this UK-based housing association. With our guidance, you can navigate challenges and ensure your voice is heard.
You are not alone.
Join us in highlighting ongoing issues, sharing best practices, and holding GreenSquareAccord accountable for their actions. While they aim to be a "Simpler, Stronger, Better" there are numerous issues that must be addressed first. Through this platform, you'll gain insight into these concerns and learn about residents' experiences dealing with GreenSquareAccord's negligence.
How you can contribute.
Share your concerns and experiences with us. If you've been ignored or silenced by GreenSquareAccord, we want to hear your story. By spreading the word about our platform, you can help us build a stronger community where every resident's voice matters. Together, we can support those who are most vulnerable and ensure their concerns are addressed.
What to expect from us.
Count on our support in challenging GreenSquareAccord's indifference to your housing concerns. While it's not our primary responsibility, we are committed to responding to you promptly and working together to address your issues. Together, we can hold GreenSquareAccord accountable and strive towards making them a truly "Simpler, Stronger, Better”.